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Crafting Prompts for Microsoft 365 Copilot

Crafting Prompts for Microsoft 365 Copilot

你是否曾经希望有一个完全了解你的需求并帮助你处理日常事务的助手? That’s exactly what you get with Copilot for Microsoft 365, the AI-powered partner integrated right into your Microsoft environment. 它被设计成理解并响应你的指令,就像你与人交谈一样自然. 为了充分利用Copilot,你可以学习一些简单的策略来使用它. “即时工程”这个术语是用来描述与人工智能工具(如Copilot)交互的过程. It refers to the thoughtful […]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation入选CRN的2024年管理服务提供商500强名单

(New Orleans, April 2, 2024) – Bellwether Technology Corporation, a leading provider of managed IT services, announced that CRN®, a brand of The Channel Company, 已将该公司列入其管理服务提供商(MSP) 500强(2024年先锋250类)名单. 这是比特币连续第11年入选这一久负盛名的榜单. MSP 500榜单每年评选一次,旨在表彰成功交付IT解决方案的管理IT服务提供商,这些解决方案帮助客户改善运营并推动整体增长. Bellwether已经建立了一个商业模式,专注于提供全面的管理[…]

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Stop Lateral Movement with Managed Detection and Response

Stop Lateral Movement with Managed Detection and Response

Cyber threats continue to evolve with alarming sophistication. 令人不安的现实是,如果您没有将管理检测和响应(MDR)作为澳门赌场网址大全战略的一部分,网络入侵者可能已经在您的网络中导航而未被发现. 考虑这样一个场景:一名员工点击了一个看似无害的电子邮件链接, leading them to a cleverly disguised login page. 相信这是合法的,他们输入自己的用户名和密码,并没有考虑它. 实际情况是他们把证件给了一个网络罪犯. 一旦入侵者获得个人公司账户的访问权限,他们就会进入[…]

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Bellwether Technology Corporation被列入2024年250家科技精英名单

Bellwether Technology Corporation被列入2024年250家科技精英名单

(New Orleans, LA – March 18th, 2024年,澳门网赌大全网址科技公司入选CRN公布的2024年250家科技精英公司名单, a brand of The Channel Company. This annual list highlights solution providers across the U.S. and Canada who excel in delivering cutting-edge IT solutions, 在基础设施领域领先的技术供应商的顶级认证和专业知识中脱颖而出, cloud, and security domains. At Bellwether, 获得的公司和个人认证代表了团队的知识深度, 技能和承诺与最新的技术进步保持同步. While the certifications are an important acknowledgement of our […]

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Keeping the Plates Spinning – Spotlight on Lauren

IT职业并不是明确为工程师和技术专家保留的. For people like Lauren, who is a business analyst at Bellwether, 如果你愿意投身其中,学习新事物,即使没有IT背景,你也可以出类拔萃. 在她的职位上,包括记录所有的Bellwether内部流程, Lauren uses her love of learning to figure out how things work, understand the process, and see where improvements can be made. “I’m constantly learning,” Lauren explained. “I absorb as much as I can, put the pieces together, 并成为技术和面向客户之间的桥梁或翻译[…]

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Get Started with Microsoft Copilot

微软推出了一系列名为Copilot的新产品. 副驾驶是一项内置在微软环境中的人工智能(AI)技术, and it’s poised to change the way people work. Whether or not you’ve already been working with AI tools, Copilot值得探索,因为它集成了SharePoint和OneDrive中的数据, and with applications like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. 副驾驶是建立在一种被称为大型语言模型(LLM)的人工智能之上的,这是一种生成式人工智能. 法学硕士是一种利用大量文本来理解[…]

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Single Sign-On: The Short Cut for Streamlined Account Access 

Single Sign-On: The Short Cut for Streamlined Account Access

你是否发现自己浪费了宝贵的时间试图登录不同的公司系统? Imagine it’s a typical Monday morning, and you’re faced with the all-too-familiar “Incorrect Password” error. 时间一分一秒地过去,你在为一个重要会议努力获取关键信息, 导致呼叫IT支持,并增加了不断增长的类似请求队列. This scenario is a daily reality in many offices, 将简单的登录变成耗时的生产力杀手. Fortunately, there’s a solution: Single Sign-On (SSO). With SSO, the days of recalling numerous passwords, dealing with account lockouts, and contacting […]

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当你面临更换本地服务器或使用微软Azure云的决定时, you will no doubt want to compare each option dollars to dollars. However, 将服务器从物理空间迁移到Azure不仅仅是将数据和程序迁移到不同的地方. 当你的资源在云端时,你实际上获得了很多好处,这是你无法衡量的价值. What’s the Azure cloud? Azure is Microsoft’s cloud computing platform. In addition to offering secure and reliable […]

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Lock Up Access to Corporate Accounts with a Password Keeper 

Lock Up Access to Corporate Accounts with a Password Keeper

你是如何记住你所有个人和专业在线账户的密码的? 你是否使用容易记忆的信息,如生日或家庭成员和宠物的名字? Do you have passwords written down on paper? Do you let your web browser store them? Do you a single password that you use for every account you have? If you use any of these password storage tactics, 你应该马上更改,因为这些都是不安全的保存密码的方法. 有一种更好的方法来存储和利用你的密码,那就是使用密码管理员. […]

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Leadership Transition Announced at Bellwether Technology Corporation

Poco Sloss, Steven Ellis, Merrick Sloss

(New Orleans, LA – November 30, 2023)澳门网赌大全网址科技公司宣布其领导团队的变动. 而这一转变也给这三个人带来了新的头衔, 它反映了一段时间以来角色和责任的自然发展. Bellwether的联合创始人Poco Sloss已经从CEO转任董事会主席. In this capacity, Poco continues to provide guidance for the company’s overall goals, long-term vision, and major decisions. Steven Ellis, formerly the company’s President, is now CEO. 在这个职位上,Steven继续领导和管理Bellwether的执行团队,以及推动[…]

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